Zack Marsh, full-color photograph working at a bench on packaging mockup

So, you need a graphic designer?

You've decided that you need design. Now what?

You’ve identified you need an expert graphic designer to contribute a visual component or project.
I’ve got you covered. I offer 3 major categories of services;

  • Visual Content Creation (Graphic Design)
  • Brand Identity
  • Product & Packaging

These services may overlap each other for your specific needs. Let’s make sure you’re in the right place. If not, I have a network of professionals to whom I can refer you.

Who would need my graphic design, brand identity design, and product & packaging design services?

Just about every organization and individual needs visual components created by a graphic designer. With such a diverse set of needs, each project would need to be assessed by its deliverables. Each of these deliverables may fall under more than one category. Let’s explore each of these subsets and for whom they may be best suited.

1. Who Needs Graphic Design: Social Media Agencies, Creators, e-Commerce stores, and Musical Artists

Includes the visual content created for you or your organization.
See my Visual Content Creation services page.

In a very broad sense, you can think of this as the layout of marketing materials and all of the visual elements that are on them, including the application of typography, illustration, and iconography. Examples are social media graphics, general illustrations, infographics, and motion graphics. These are not branded materials but rather materials that support your endeavors.

2. Who Needs Brand Identity Design: Organizations, Personal Brands, Events, and Product Lines

Includes the logo and all elements that are used to represent you or your brand.
See my Brand Identity services page.

These elements work together in building an emotional connection with your audience, fostering easy recognition, and enforcing a consistent message. This includes but is not limited to; logo, color, fonts, textures, sounds, photographic direction, and a set of rules to govern the usage of all these elements in perfect harmony. These elements are carefully selected to convey the right message, positioning, and values you have.

3. Who Needs Product and Packaging Design: e-Commerce stores, Publishers, and Retail Product Lines

Includes the products and publications that your audience consumes.
See my Product and Packaging services page.

Your audience wants a quality product. Just like a brand, a quality product is determined by the sum of its parts and the perception a customer has of it. To create a quality product there must be a delicate balance of form, function, and presentation. Of course, all of the choices must be within budget. Some examples of product and packaging design are construction, components, material selection, and UI/UX applied principles.

Need it Tabled Out? Here’s a Breakdown of my Services

This table illustrates the service you may need and where I can accommodate you. Some services overlap categories and this is not an exhaustive list.

(Category) - Deliverable or Service you Need:I Offer:
Branding - Strategic Planning or AuditBrand Identity
Branding - Logo DesignBrand Identity
Branding - Development & Standards GuideBrand Identity
Marketing - Social Media GraphicsVisual Content Creation
Marketing - Email DesignVisual Content Creation
Marketing - Digital CatalogVisual Content Creation, Product and Packaging
Marketing - Illustration, Imagery, or IconsVisual Content Creation, Brand Identity
Web - Infographics or Banner AdsVisual Content Creation
Web - Visual LayoutVisual Content Creation, Product and Packaging
Product - IU/UX & NavigationVisual Content Creation, Product and Packaging
Product - 3D MockupsProduct and Packaging
Packaging - Construction and Material SelectionProduct and Packaging
Packaging - Product Box/Label DesignVisual Content Creation, Product and Packaging

Get in Touch

If these services don't cover your particular needs, I have a network of professionals to whom I can refer you or whom we may work with to get your project on track.


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