Zack Marsh Design, Sub Shop, game logo on transparent background

Where Heroes are Made

Sub Shop

A sandwich-building family game that nurtures your child's strategic skills


Imagination Generation. A brand of early childhood development toys that inspire, teach, and engage the minds of young children that are developing their imaginations.

Target Audience

Families, with children aged 6+, that would love to build their child’s strategic and reasoning skills.

Project Brief

Illustrate the ingredients and action mechanics of the Sub Shop game that appeals to children 6+.


• Illustration

• Print Design

Product Overview

Sub Shop is a tabletop game based around building sandwiches. The two types of cards within this game are ingredient cards (all non-blue bordered), and action cards (blue-bordered). I have illustrated and designed all ingredient cards and action cards within this game as flat cut-outs, inspired by clip art and children's cartoons.

The Game’s Format

The game starts out with players drawing cards that either help them serve sandwiches to customers or hinder their coworkers in making those sandwiches. When a sandwich is completed by a player then they collect the money from the sale. At the end of the third customer’s order the game ends and the player with the most money wins.

Action Cards

The action cards in Sub Shop can be used to further your sandwich builds or to hinder other players in building their own. There are 9 unique action cards that can be played at any time during the game.

Ingredient Cards

The ingredient cards in Sub Shop can be used to build your sandwiches in order to complete customer orders. The sandwich types and requirements are varied and even includes a vegetarian option. The cards allowed educational facts to be shared on each one.

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